I’m gonna hide under the covers

I made bacon and eggs for breakfast on our awesome cast iron griddle. It works wonderfully well, and the eggs are delicious.

I had an egg flow right over the side of the griddle. My stove is now covered in raw egg. I can’t clean it until the griddle cools enough for me to move it. sigh.

Not an auspicious start to the day.

So, there’s this book

Its called 1632. I just e-mailed the publisher (BAEN) to see if there are any plans to record it as an audiobook. A very nice person from their info-desk got back to me within hours. Its been done. Its on Audible. It is narrated by one of my favorite readers, George Guidell.

I may have squeeled like a little girl. Oh, yes.

So, tonight, I will be working on my green alpaca mittens, while listening to Mike, Rebecca, Harry, and especially Gretchen turn the 30 Years War on its ear. Next month, I’m getting 1633. After that, I really, really hope they do the Galileo Affair!