Walk-About on a Foggy Christmas Night

Playscape and trees at the shore of Silver Lake, backlit by a street lamp, on a foggy night
I thought the street lamp was a nuisance, casting too much glow on everything else, until I realized that it was backlighting the playscape and trees in a peculiar, almost spooky way
Playscape and trees at the shore of Silver Lake, backlit by a street lamp, on a foggy night
After playing with the light levels of the raw photo, I got a much more dramatic image.

Narragansett mornings and evenings

A few photos over the last couple of days.

seascape and lighthouse
Scarborough Beach, Narragansett, with Point Judith lighthouse in the distance
seascape with fog and waves
The horizon disappeared on a foggy morning. The sunrise is (theoretically) directly ahead.

grass and white flowers

harbor seal in the ocean
A harbor seal surfaced near us at Point Judith, while we were enjoying the sunset.
meghan with Narragansett in the background
Megh, looking pensive as she gazes east across the ocean
Sunset from Rose Nulman park, Point Judith, Narragansett
Twilight from Rose Nulman Park, Point Judith, Narragansett