Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Almost 30 years after I first said I wanted to, we went to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy live in concert. It was billed as a “Christmas Concert” but it was definitely NOT just Christmas music.  I am still riding high on this.

setting up stage for big bad voodoo daddy
Final stage prep for Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. A technician was doing… something… with the bass.

BBVD does a great job of recreating the look and sound of swing and big-band jazz.  They played a mix of Christmas, old standards, and original music.  I really dug their cover of Minnie the Moocher, IMHO it’s as good as Cab Colloway’s.

Things I learned today:

  • They been playing together, with the original line-up, for 31 years and they still look like they’re having fun.
  • They’re only slightly older than me.
  • That the Lexington, MA area crowd clearly didn’t know what kind of band they were buying tickets to see and were disappointingly low-energy.

A little bit on that last point: the band was superb and carried some real energy.  Their showmanship was on point!  I’m sad that the crowd was overall on the geriatric side and people were polite but not really feeling it.  I think they were expecting a slow Christmas show, and this was definitely not that.

Megh and I decided that we’re going to take swing lessons and catch next year’s concert.  We want to get up in the aisle and start dancing to fight back against the old fogies.  The band deserves it!

Author: H Walker Jones, Esq

A professional programmer with a sordid past involving sysadmin, tech support, and cooking.

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