Third storm of the last two weeks

View down the street. Its really coming down
Our backyard. The plays cape is not doing well….
Artsy-fartsy picture of my mittens. They kept me warm while shoveling.
I didn’t bother with my hat. Whoops.
Drying my mittens.
View before the second shoveling. Probably 8 inches deep in the shoveled sections – over a foot overall.


So, Storm # 3 (named Skylar) hit today. As of 9 PM tonight, we had at least 20″ – taller than the dog. We had to dig her a path so she could go out to pee, poor thing. But she had a grand time playing with in the snow. For a dog with no fur, she loves snow.

I went out to shovel twice – once around 9 am, and again at 3. Both times took about an hour, and both times were reminders that we should have waxed the shovel in the fall. Car wax does a great job.

The bottom layer was all slush, and really heavy (apparently there was some rain at the beginning). The top layers were light and fluffy, thankfully. I did most of the driveway the second round, but I just couldn’t deal with the slush by the street. I just cleaned up the rest and left it for Quinn. Because I’m terrible.

The kids spent the day inside, reading and playing Minecraft. We kicked off a huge fire in the fireplace to warm up, and we spent some time cuddled up in front of it.

Around 4, we went to our neighbor’s house for frozen pizza and games. We roused Alpha out of her room, and got her to come along. She had fun, once she got there. We played Upwords (for the first time). Beta did better than I did, which is always fun. Sam-across-the-street kicked our butts, though.

Overall, a pretty good snow day!

The snow is deeper than Butter is tall. We had to dig her a path to her “potty.” At least 20 inches.

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