Dad Strikes Again

I’ll be honest, this post is mostly to gloat.

The night after the other parental unit’s disastrous night in the tent, I offered the kids a second camping trip to the back yard.

Alpha slept all night… in the tent.  (willingly!)

Beta slept all night… in the tent.

I slept all night… in the tent.

I was the last one to nod off, and that was before eleven p.m.  And we all slept until after sunrise.

And another birthday down

Alpha child vacillated on how to celebrate her birthday.  (Giving her a choice was mistake.)  Four days before, we finally settled on a simple party at the local, recently-opened mini-golf course.

It might be worth mentioning that Alpha has been officially diagnosed with Asperger’s (that’s worth a whole bunch of posts on it’s own), so a party with a “script” to follow is a very, very good idea.

So mini-golf has a implicit script – everyone knows what to do, there’s something to keep busy with at every turn, and it’s easy to avoid uncomfortable moments.  The party worked.  We met a couple of Alpha’s friends from school, everyone had a good time, and we ended the day on a high note.  Plus, it turns out that Alpha loves laser tag – also offered at the place.  Beta and her friend kept busy too.

And a shout out to our friends Sam and Joanne, who came in from out of state with their son and were most helpful.  I suck with unfamiliar kids, but Sam is actually quite effective with them.

Pics to come later.  Maybe M has a few, I never remember to take snapshots.